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We had to take kitty back to the vet.. his eyes got worse again, and the verdict was not good. The vet recommended putting him down, so we had to leave without him. Poor little fellow, he had put up quite a fight, but it was a bit too late. There were a few tears. After buying some chocolate, we went home and cuddled the other cats. Another life lesson for Elizabeth – sometimes no matter how hard we try, we can’t always fix things…. We gave it a good go, it’s a pity it had to end this way….
So, the day was not so good. I am blaming it on the macaroni cheese from last night. It started when I dropped my mobile in it. In the mac cheese. Suddenly Cameron was speaking to me from inside this big pot. It is a strange thing when your dinner starts talking.
I wiped off the mobile…. and then today Cameron said he couldn’t hear me properly when he called. He said it was like I had a whole bunch of hankies over the phone. I told him it was the macaroni cheese.
I think he thought I was going mad.
I think he might be right.
There was this little tiny hole down the bottom of the phone. It wasn’t the charger hole, and I didn’t think it could be too important. When Cam started complaining he couldn’t hear me, I decided maybe I’d better clean it out after all. Amazingly enough, after the dried up mac cheese came out, he could hear me again 🙂 Moral of the story – tiny holes in mobile phones should not have macaroni cheese in them.
And so, it went downhill from there…. it was hot and I couldn’t sleep,… Daniel had trouble with Math all day and sulked,…. we had to give up the cute little kitty….. and it was all because of the macaroni cheese. I am sure.
Sadness… but, I’m sure it says somewhere in the Bible that joy comes in the morning…. I’m holding on to that thought 🙂
Sorry to hear how things have turned out with the little kitty cat.
I have to laugh at the idea of your mac & cheese talking to you.
Your boy sounds like my boy…sulky when he doesn't just snap his fingers and get it all straight the first time. Heaven forbid that one should have to work at it a little bit!
Sorry to hear about the kitty. I had to have my beloved old timer put to sleep in November and I still feel bad. Every black jumper lying around looks like a cat to me.
At least you gave it your best shot.
So sorry Joy, I hope today is better all around.
Gracious Joy, I'm so sorry.
Today WILL be better!!! Stay away from the mac and cheese and stay close to the sewing machine. And hug all your kitties and doggies.
WIsh I was there to offer you a hug. Or I can give you Amalina.
Such is life I guess. Hope you are feeling better!