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  1. Joy procrastination is the word 😉 You are so funny! Happy quilting! Err I mean have a good move 😉

  2. Joy, Joy, Joy…Have you caught some of MamaHen's problem over the computer/internet waves (or however all this internet stuff works?)

    You know, it will all get done anyway, so might as well put it off to the last minute. 🙂

  3. Joy you are a women after my own heart….besides moving for you is a piece of cake…you should sit for awhile with a nice cup of tea and your plan your next creation…Hugs

  4. OH–Joy–you are a Hoot—I am sitting here chuckling away because of your post—PLUS the fact that I also just joined same new bom as you did — are we all crazy or what—well we can look at it like this–there is 3 more days in March for us to be even "crazier" in–and look at you–starting the center block even–you are too fast for me–but I was busy yesterday–doing the Spring sew-in–so be sure to stop by and have a looky see!!!
    Hugs, Di–(still smiling))

  5. Wow Joy, you have been up to a lot, but have you done much packing?? Moving tomorrow – is that true?? Don't forget to let us know your new address and phone number so we don't lose contact!! All the best!

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