I {Made} a Bag!!!
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I am so excited!!! It turned out really well! I didn’t think I could do it, but with the great instructions on Kelly’s blog, it was very straight forward. Of course I made a few changes… added a magnetic snap thingo:
And moved one of the pockets higher up and changed the sizes a bit to fit my mobile and a few other things in:
I did follow most of the instructions to the letter, however, including this last bit that Kelly wrote:
going shopping and loading it up with chocolates
or new fabric or kittens or whatever takes your fancy.

I tried at least:
But they didn’t want to stay in the bag…. they much prefered to sit on top of it:
Or even better, cuddled up to their mum:
And when I made any moves to try to get them back in the bag, this was the response I got:
I think she has Maori blood in her….
Now for the next part of the challenge.. and a challenge it will be indeed! Making a toiletries bag with a zip in it….. hee hee he he heee heeeeeeee! (Hysterical giggling!)
Hehe! Hilarious! Kittens would be my choice of bag fillers too.
Your bag looks awesome, and you made some nice changes. I am glad that people realise they don't have to follow the instructions exactly – that they can make their own changes where they wish.
Good luck with the zip!
Love the cat face! That is hysterical.
I need to get that charm pack. Very, very, very pretty! L,A-
I will take the bag filled–filled with the kitties and even Momma–hey why not–if you got 2 kitties–3 is even better!!!!
Neat job on the purse–great job!!!
Hugs, Di
I am SOOO gonna try this!
lovely bag well done..you can do the zip yes you can,cheers Vickie