Shway Shway…
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There is a magnet on my fridge that I got at one of the Coffee Mornings here, and it has a phrase on it that is used often in the Middle East: “shway shway”:
Shway, shway is used in many different ways… if someone is getting impatient, you tell them shway, shway and hold your hand up like the camel is doing, moving your fingers against your thumb in an open/close manner. This tells them to hang on a sec, be patient, wait a minute… It also means things are going slowly. In answer to, “How are your Dresden plates going?” Shway, shway…. very slowly 🙂
I have four made so far. I was trying to do one a day so that I at least had the plates done by the end of Feb, but I got distracted and only have four done.
I will try to get back into it again next week when I have some more time and if we don’t get another huge dust storm….
Must remember that, could come in handy when I’m waiting at an intersection and the driver behind me is getting impatient, although they might think I’m making a rude gesture at them, there’s no telling with some of the Adelaide drivers 🙂
here we say roundtoit..will get round to it…hahaha. pretty dressies!
Pretty!! And four more than me. Guess it is time to stop shway swhay-ing and get aroundtoit.
In Africa we said Humba Gashlie (not sure of the spelling and the a is pronounded like u for umbrella) I like Shway shway….
love the dresdens… so pretty