Going a Bit Crazy!
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Tomorrow we will have been in our new country and apartment for two weeks… and I am going slightly mad.. as in crazy, not angry…
So in the last post I said I was staying home the rest of the week to sew, right?
I was ready to sew. I had no shopping to do. I didn’t have to go out.
Yes, I was ready to sew …………..
Since I bought the batting, I decided I’d get stuck into finishing those table runners I told you about, and then I could put one of them on the chest of drawers in the living area… so I got them out…
…. and went looking for the backing….
No backing. I had cream, but no white!! All my white fabric is in the shipment….
So, I thought, never mind, I’ll work on some bags…
I brought four bags with me that are UFOs… AND I brought matching fabric!!! Amazing!
But then I realized my colored threads didn’t make it in the suitcases… they are in the shipment…
Not to worry.
Got plenty more UFOs with me.
I grabbed the bag full of 100 Patch blocks:
And I thought, how shall I put them together? First I will count them………. 10 completed blocks…… and where might the other two be?????
Have you seen them? Because I don’t have them here!!!!
I am hoping they are in the shipment – otherwise I have no idea where they are!!
By this time I was faced with a few choices:
- Go back to the quilt shop and buy white fabric so I can get those table runners done.
- Go back to the quilt shop and buy thread
- Ignore my UFOs and play with my new yarn.
I took up the third option to avoid total madness.. I googled crochet blankets and found this cool tutorial on youtube:
How To Crochet A Beautiful Shells Blanket In One Color
I fell in love with the pattern and thankfully it is quite easy once you get the hang of it and concentrate a little bit 🙂
I have nearly finished one ball of yarn:
And I love how it looks!
As you can see a bit better on this next photo, there are basically two rows of stitches – one is the foundation V row, and the other is the shells row:
Thank you for all of your suggestions in the first post when I bought the yarn – I like the idea of doing cushion covers… so I might pick some matching yarn and do some of them after this… although I also want to make a blanket with just one color – cream perhaps…
Ah! I can ignore my UFOs a bit longer!!!!!!
Seriously though, I will be so happy when the shipment arrives and I can find all the missing bits… of course then I’ll be going crazy trying to fit 16 boxes of stuff in our small apartment, but oh well… what is life without a bit of craziness, right?
Haha it sounds like Pull Your Hair Out Crazy but so glad you settled on something to do that you actually had all the supplies for! It will be like Christmas unpacking all those boxes! Your crochet is lovely – that yarn is working beautifully in that pattern.
Perfect project for beautiful yarn. Can’t wait to see it finished. X
Oh Joy, I can totally relate to that situation, the only difference being my “missing supplies” are in a box somewhere in the house or shed. At least you have a much better excuse, your stuff is in transit!!!!
Great save on your sanity… the shells crochet in that yarn is just lovely….
lol Joy you made me laugh,i did feel for you ,but gee i love your new blanket its looking fantastic and those colours are awesome,well done my friend xx
Oh dear. Sorry Joy but you did make me chuckle. More in irony than anything else. I hope everything you need is in the shipment. I think going with option 3 was a great idea. Love what you are making, it’s beautiful. Hugs, xx
Love that afghan pattern and the wonderful colors!
Oh no! Lol! Still that gorgeous crochet more than made up for it xx
No wonder you are going crazy 😜 … do hope all you bits and pieces are in the boxes when they arrive.
Lovely yarn you are using for the pretty crocheting.
Hi Joy… good idea to go to the crochet… perhaps going to the shop for backing fabric would have resulted in purchases more than intended?!
Ugh!! Hopefully your shipment gets there soon! Now, you made me want to pull out my 100-patches. Like I have time to work on anything else. Your cushion covers are really pretty!
What a beautiful blanket! I’ve never had much success with variegated yarn, i always thought it was more suited to knitting, but now I’m wondering if I’ve just been buying the wrong sort – it seems I need some with longer colour changes.
The third option is turning out to be very pretty!