Designs Walls, Quilts, and Gammill Repair
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I really don’t know where the days are going – do you? I seem to be super busy, but not sure what with… although I did manage to snap some pics of design walls being built, a mini quilt show and the “repairman” fixing the bobbin winder on my Gammill…
Making a Design Wall
Earlier this week I had a bright idea that there was a spot in my sewing room that could become a design wall.
Because we are renting, we can’t actually attach anything to the wall, but as you will see, I had a way around it… of course I needed Dad’s help..
He came around with two large bits of wood that we picked up for free off the side of the road…

He nailed them together with the little bits of wood you can see on the table.. and because we didn’t want to damage the wall, he glued some scraps of batting to those bits of wood…

In the end, by the time we put the batting on the front of the board to make the design wall, we probably didn’t need those little bits of batting… but better safe than sorry…

The piece of batting we used was big enough to wrap around to the back of the board and add more protection to the wall… then we pushed this heavy Ikea tub set in front of it… added some blocks.. and there you have it:

As we were “building” the design wall, I got a phone all from Susan (Granny Smith’s Quilting) asking if I was going to be home the next day because she wanted to visit… I was and the next day Susan and her giant bag of “show and tell quilts” arrived…

Sapphy was most intrigued….
Gammill Repair
Oh, and of course her lovely hubby came with her which was good because Emmie G was having bobbin winding problems…

Dad supplied the tools and K got to work…

Poor K, it took him a while but he did it! Now I can wind bobbins again and do some more quilts…
Mini Quilt Show
Talking of quilts.. Susan had been very busy finishing quilts on her Gammill, and had brought some in that big bag of hers…

Aren’t they all pretty? You can see more on her blog.. including the names she chose for them. These are all her own designs, by the way!
In between looking at quilts and watching the men work hard, Susan also got to have a few cuddles…

Sapphy is such a chill kitty!
Oh, and I did a bit of crochet…

We had a lovely day together…. thanks Susan & K for taking the time to drive all this way!
I’ve been enjoying the cold weather.. and I have also been working on a surprise for all of you for next month…. Hopefully I’ll get it done tomorrow! So do come back soon and see what it is 🙂
Till then, hope you are all having a lovely weekend!

I can’t believe how big Sapphy has gotten–!!!
yet she seems like a loveable kittty–
love Susan’s quilts–she does a nice job of designing them–
I still have and remember the quilt that you did–the one with the center part first and then different ones added borders going around it–love it and that project!!!
Glad you can wind bobbins again–but now that just means ‘more’ work to do!!!lol
take care–luv, di
What a lovely visit you had and a timely repair.
Isn’t it wonderful to have our lives to help us with these projects we come up with. I’m going to bookmark this post so Honey Do can help me make my design wall down the road.
Ahhh, nothing like a visit from a quilty friend and spouse! Her quilts are beautiful!
Great idea on how to get a design wall to use when renting. I’ve been wanting to set one up myself but as i rent i have the same issue, can’t damage the walls but i have no spare walls either. My house is a Queenslander with french doors in 1 wall & a window in the other so the 2 left over walls are where the bed & other furniture sits. It was the same when i used a bedroom for the sewing room. Love the quilt show & tell, they are beautiful quilts. Sapphy is just so darn cute. Can’t believe it’s July tomorrow. Hugs,xx
Great quilt show! Glad your machine is now humming along and you can play with it and your new design wall. No room in our apartment for such a thing so I’m forced to use either the back of the couch or the floor. Good thing I don’t do large projects!
Oh no, didn’t think you’d put that one on of me & Sapphy………. We did enjoy the day & glad we were of some help. Jeanette (above) could have a design wall like mine if she wants to get in touch with me. I’d be glad to explain it. Take care & huggles.
Glad you are up and running again, not good when the on board winder doesn’t work, if you don’t have another option. Thankfully not much to go wrong with the good old Gammill’s.
What a great idea for a design wall. Not that I quilt a lot, but wall space is at a premium here. If I get serious about quilting, I’ll find some, even if it’s behind a door.
Hi Joy, I like your new design wall. Fun to have Susan visit and how adorable is that kitty! Looking forward to your surprise. Are you doing Christmas in July this year? Hope so. Nancy
Great to have a bit of TLC for Emmy G – no excuses now..!!! And great looking design wall too. Susan’s quilts are lovely – a nice little show and tell. It sounds like a lovely, productive visit. Your crocheting looks gorgeous – love the colour you’re using.
I like all the quilts and the lovely variety of quilting. The design wall has me drooling because I don’t have one. I should make something like that too.
what a lovely visit, quilts cuddles chats and a gammill fix….. so great to have a design wall too… makes such a huge difference…
What a wonderful post! I loved seeing your dad, and how blessed you are to have him close by. It is amazing that you found the perfect sized wood pieces by the side of the road, too. That looks just grand in there between the windows.