Christmas Ornament Wall Hanging Tutorial
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I’m a day late in posting the tutorial for the Christmas Ornament Wall Hanging… sometimes life happens…. I had a few different ideas on how to put the three ornaments together, but for this tutorial here is what I settled on:

There are so many ways to include these ornaments in small Christmas projects, and I am sure some of you will come up with some great ideas! I hope you will send me pics when you do!
For those of you who want to make it the same way I did, here is how I did it…
Step 1 trim the ornament blocks
Instead of making the blocks square, I trimmed them off at 1 1/4″ away from all edges. Starting with the side of the ornament, line up your ornament to any horizontal line on the ruler, and the edge of the ornament to the 1 1/4″ line:

The thick blue line on the ruler above is the 1″ line, and the next blue dash on the pink line is the 1/4″ mark. Your ruler will look different, but you will be able to find it I am sure!
Once you have cut that first side, you can use it as a guide to cut the next side. Again, line up the ruler with the side you cut, and then line up the top of the ornament with the 1 1/4″ line:

Do this with all the sides until it is completely trimmed. Then do the same thing with the other two blocks. Your blocks will look something like this:

Step 2 Sew the Ornament Blocks together
Place the ornament blocks in the order you prefer, and using a quarter inch seam, sew them together. Then take them to the ironing board and press the seams in the same direction:

See my messy back? You can even see the knots 🙂 Yes, I do knots…….. 🙂
STEP 3 Make a quilt sandwich
Cut some backing fabric and batting (I used scraps for both), and layer them with the backing down first, then the batting and finally the ornaments on top:

Pop a few pins in to keep all the layers together.
STEP 4 Quilt the Wall hanging
I wanted to keep this wall hanging really simple, so I just stitched in the ditch:

Using a walking foot is helpful, but not essential. If you are a total beginner to quilting, then stitching in the ditch is basically just following that seam line you can see in the picture above, and sewing in it.
You can of course quilt it however you like!
Step 5 Trim the wall hanging
Trim the wall hanging with scissors or rotary cutter:

Next up is putting the binding on – I used a 2 1/2″ strip and sewed it on with a little bit bigger than 1/4″ seam because I wanted more of the pattern to show:

If you are unsure of how to do binding, then here is a great youtube video.
Oh! I was going to put a hanging sleeve on it as part of the tutorial, but forgot…I am not sure where my brain has been these past weeks.. Mind you, I don’t usually use hanging sleeves, but I use little rings that I sew to the back by hand.
Step 7 “Hang” the ornaments!
When I drew out the design, I thought it’d be cute to make the ornaments look like they were “hanging”… here is how I did it..
Use a full thickness DMC thread and cut it at about 60″ long…
(Mine was all wrinkled from being wound around the cardboard…

So I ironed it and it was all good again!)
Using a tapestry needle, start in the top left corner:

and make a knot so that it is secure:

Leave enough thread on the left to have some hanging down after you make the bow:

The first bow was easy, the second and third not so much!
After you’ve made the first bow, thread the “string” under one of the top stitches of the ornament:

and then go to where the next bow goes – in between the first two blocks, make a knot and bow there too…

Like I said, this bow and the next are harder to make. I made two loops and then tied them together:

Do the same thing with the other two bows, and then cut the thread off to match the length of the first one:

I hope you get the idea! I need to learn how to do video, because I think this probably would be better on video than in photo tutorial style. One day I’ll update this post with a video!
In any case, I hope you can work it out from all the pictures… and some of you might say, oh yeah, I got it before you showed me the pics… but I just wanted to make sure it was somewhat clear!
As always, if you have questions, feel free to ask…
Now since I am in a rental house, I am not allowed to hang anything on the walls… so my “wall hanging” may end up being a decorative runner on my sideboard.. where it matches the hexie table toppers:

For now it will live on my design wall, and make me dream of Christmas…

One of the reasons this tutorial was late is because I’ve got a lot going on in my family life at the moment, and my brain seems not to be in regular working order…. too much I am thinking about I guess… so while this tutorial is not exactly how I would have wanted it to be, I hope it has given you some idea of what you can do with your Christmas in July Stitchalong ornaments!
Don’t forget to download them before the end of the month – after that they will go into our shop.
Also, make sure you check out the Hexagon Table Topper post read till the end so that you can enter the two giveaways!!
Happy stitching!

I love how you “hung” your ornaments on the string. What a creative idea. xx
I finally finished my third ornament, too! I love the way you carried the floss across the top of the ornament wall hanging to make them look suspended–it is brilliant! I will add to your designs with some of my own and make a little quilt!
Joy, your explanation is fine, and what a clever idea!! Hope things settle down for you soon.
A lovely result from your SAL, Joy 🙂 What a fun idea to have them hanging like that! I look forward to getting mine stitched! I hope your family life settles down soon – and your brain gets a rest from its overthinking.
Oh–I really like how you did these–cute–
did you see my three finishes on my Sunday post????
thanks-luv, di
Hi Joy, Your wall hanging is so pretty. I finished embroidering the third one Sunday night. Not sure how I will finish it yet. Thank you so much for the opportunity to stitch these three patterns. Have a great week. Nancy
Love your little wallhanging Joy. It is so cute. Hugs,xx
very sweet. I love the way you have them ‘hanging’ on a string…
Great quick project- I guess another alternative to the bow problem is to make bows separately and stitch them on…
What a sweet little wall hanging. Love those blocks all together!
I totally agree with Delightedhands”. The hanging “string” I know there is a better word than string or thread anyway I do like the way you put the 3 together, but the keeping the floss loose when connecting the 3 was perfect.
Thank you so much.. very clever idea! Lifting a prayer for you and your family.
Such a pretty wall hanging Joy! I love the addition of the hanger too – and you found the perfect stash fabric to finish them off.
Joy, it looks great! I love the hanging thread, and it’s a wonderful way to finish the runner. I look forward to getting these done this fall. Thanks for the designs and the how-to here.