Jelly Roll Quilts
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Hello! It’s me again! Yes, I am still here….. just been having a very, very slow start to 2020…
I actually haven’t done a lot of sewing and quilting yet this year.. so I thought I’d share the three jelly roll quilts that my nieces and I finished last month…..

My sister and her family came down for Christmas – she has three girls and a boy. Her second daughter loves to sew, so I was helping her with a project she was working on:

Then I suggested they might want to make a quilt while they were here because I could quilt it for them on Emmie G…
Good thing I have so many sewing machines, because I soon had four girls (DD joined in too) playing with jelly rolls!

We did the jelly roll race… which Sapphy thought was pretty cool…

First one to finish was my sister’s eldest daughter.. and Sapphy didn’t waste any time in testing out her finished top:

It also got the stamp of approval when it was completely finished, by a sleepy uncle and puppy dog:

I let the girls pick a pantograph for their quilts, and I was up till early hours Christmas Day finishing them 🙂 It was well worth it though, they were all so happy… here they are all done:

Hmm.. didn’t notice the socks when I took the pic!! They match the quilt!
Anyway, we were all pleased with how they turned out.. and at least I managed to get something done in December! Oh, we haven’t finished DD’s yet… I need to make sure it doesn’t turn into a UFO!
Speaking of UFOs, I picked up this crochet one the other day – it just needed the squares sewn together and then an edging put around it…..

It’s almost done….
That’s it from me today.. tomorrow I am going to make myself a big pot of tea and try to catch up on blog reading!!! I am soooo behind!!
How has your January been?

Happy new year to you!!! I got behind on my blog reading for just a few days and yowza, it can get overwhelming! Just start from today and move forward! really.
The quilts are so pretty! What a great time making lasting memories with your ‘girls’!
Nice to hear from you Joy – I was wondering how you were doing! Happy New Year. What a fun time you all would have had sewing up the quilts – they all turned out great!
Wow – what a production line! Jelly roll race quilts are so good like that – quick & easy…and to be able to quilt them at the same time – a bonus!.. Happy New Year to you – enjoy your blog reading…what a great way to relax!
What a wonderful way to spend time with your nieces and DD. The quilts look lovely. They are three lucky girls to have an aunt to teach them how to make a quilt and who just happens to have a long arm to get the job done. It sounds like you all had a lot of fun. Xx
What a great way to entertain a house full of girls…. and wonderful results…
Great quilts, lovely project for your nieces, and this morning I have cleaned up from the Aussie retreat, and now catching up on blog reading because I am “a bit” behind too. Good to hear from you.
OK, I’m on catch up too, but you beat me to a post. Love the jelly roll race quilts & the pets enjoying them too. Well done to you all. We’ve evidently both hit the crochet hooks again too this month, as I’ve made a start on the Attic 24 rug. Good talking this morning for your birthday & will catch up for day soon. Take care & huggles.
Hi Joy, I was about to e-mail you to see if you were okay so was glad to see your post today in my mailbox. Glad you are okay. Sounds like you had a wonderful time sewing with your family! Nancy
How lovely to be able to all sit and sew together and the quilts look wonderful.
Love the deep red/white crochet xx
Only 4 machines Joy. 🙂 lol. Lovely to see them all sitting there sewing away & the quilts all look lovely. I had to loan my spare machine to my daughter as she is learning to sew & hers needs to be serviced. Hope my main machine stays well for me to get back into my quilting, Oh well if not there is always the Featherweight. Hugs,xx
What great quilts – but even better the memories of a fun time spent sewing together. Something you all will remember forever.
So great to see what you’ve been doing! I loved seeing pics of the girls at work. They are each such different personalities, judging by their pictures. =)
What fun sewing with your nieces. Their quilts look great!