Scrappy Mystery Quilt-a-long Step 2
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Welcome to Step 2 of the Scrappy Mystery Quilt-a-long! In this step we’re going to use 3″ squares…

For Step 1 Go Here
You will need:
24 three inch squares of background fabric
24 three inch scrappy squares

Today we’ll be making half square triangles 🙂
Draw a diagonal line from corner to corner on the back of the background squares

Pair one background square with a scrappy square, right sides together, and a sew quarter inch on either side of the line

And chain sew of course 🙂
Cut on the line to make two triangles

You should have a nice pile of triangles…

Open and press them to the dark side
And then trim to 2 1/2″ square…
You can skip this step if you don’t mind your half square triangles being not perfect…. but in case your OCD kicks in like mine did, then this is how to trim them…
Line up the 45 degree angle of a square ruler with the diagonal seam, and trim:

Then flip and do the other two sides:

There… much better:

Now you should have 48 half squares triangles to add to your 9 patches…

and step 2 is done!
Next step will come out on Monday….!
In other news… even though it’s been cold, we’ve had some gorgeous sunny days.. which were perfect for taking Sapphy out for a walk:

She loves to look out of the windows…

Have a lovely weekend everyone!

Guess what I’ll be doing tomorrow!? Saphy looks like she’s growing so sweetly!
Aha, 1/2 square triangles & will they be squared up to 2 1/2″ squares? Now you’ve got me puzzled as to where they are going. I’ve a few blocks done & did some fussy cutting as well.
I know that shop. Always though it would make a good quilt shop. BTW, we have one here now & I took a peak yesterday & it is the one that was in Bunyip for a while. Nice. Take care & hugs.
Home from Judy’s with a pile of her Go-Cutter Squares & meterage. Step 1 done ✅ catching up on home.. To Be Done jobs, Tomorrow I’ll attack Step 2. Thanks for this Mystery 🤔
I’ve seen people walk cats on leashes, but never in a carriage! Makes sense they’d love that, though! I wonder if I could get a twin one for Regan’s Russian Blues. I am only 1/3 of the way through the 9 patches, so I don’t think I’ll have these done on Monday, but I’ll get there at some point.
Sounds great!
Love how you walk Saphy!
I’m enjoying following your mystery . . .
I have to say I have never seen that sort of thing for taking a kitty outdoors. What a great idea!
Did I miss seeing how much ‘background’ and sashing fabric is needed??