Spring in Annie’s Garden..
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Yes, Spring has arrived Down Under… even though we’ve still had some cold rainy days, the weather is warming – bulbs have popped up and blossom is out… it’s certainly a very pretty time of year!
As restrictions for us eased a bit at the start of last week and we were allowed to meet people outside, DD and I decided to go and have a picnic in our friend Annie’s garden…
I told Annie that I’d make a post specially for Chookyblue.. although we didn’t end up getting any photos of ourselves or of Annie’s quilts because we weren’t allowed in the house… but I took lots of pics of the garden which is where Annie spends every minute of her waking hours if she can 🙂

Annie has 5 acres and just loves her garden. I love it too… but I don’t have the knowledge or desire to maintain a garden like that! Thankfully she loves when we visit and always gives us a tour of what is new… like this.. mirror mirror on a tree….

There are many special things to see in her garden.. love this .. so nice and rustic…

She also likes to have mini gardens in the middle of her big garden…. this is “Little Holland”, and the tulips are just starting to bloom:

And these are already blooming.. aren’t they pretty?

I really think she should be charging admission… just not to us, we’re almost family 🙂

I had a little chat with Cocky…

I said – Hello Cocky
He said – Hello Cocky
I said – Hello Cocky
and he said – Hello Cocky…
This intelligent conversation went on for a while. Until I said goodbye and he screeched at me until I disappeared from view…. Sorry Cocky, we had a picnic to get to..

Annie joined us after she had just pulled this weed, and watered that plant, and checked on another mini garden, and cut some flowers…….. 🙂

But we had a lovely outdoor, socially distanced picnic, which was nice after being in lock down for almost 6 weeks…
Two days after that, the restrictions changed again, and we are now allowed to visit inside – but only in one household bubble… which of course is my parents, so we won’t be heading out to Annie’s for a while again…
I also visited Granny J’s chookies… now I haven’t told you this yet, but we had a tragedy in our backyard last month… the fox got my chookies 🙁 It was a very sad day… I had forgotten to lock them up, and that was that. I won’t go into details.
My Dad was so sweet, he went right out and bought me two pullets, but I said I couldn’t have them until we fox proof better. So Annie’s mum, Granny J, said she’d look after them for me until after lock down and Dad helps me build a fox proof run.
You can’t see them really well, but the white chookie and the smaller brown one are mine..

I gave them the crusts from the picnic sandwich.. and they were quite happy.
So that was our little afternoon out… enjoying the beautiful spring day and all the colors in Annie’s garden…

I hope those of you who are gardeners enjoyed this post…. and I will be back soon with some sewing updates….
Chookyblue, Annie says “hi”!

Annie’s garden is lovely. Sorry to hear about your chooks. Hugs, xx
Beautiful garden! Sorry about your chooks. We are getting ready for fall here, though it’s still hurricane season and they are still forming! Enjoy your spring. I’m looking forward to fall, though we usually go from summer to cold with not much fall!
What a lovely day, great for the soul. Xx🌺
Annie’s garden is beautiful, especially at this time of year. I’m very impressed. So Dad did get them like he said, but glad those are safe for now. If we could come across we’d help too, but we’ll just have to be patient. As I write this, it is pouring with rain, windy and we had one almighty clap of thunder which frightened the life out of me…………Take care & hugs. BTW, Annie’s garden would be great for outdoor shots for quilts?
Hi Joy, I would love to walk through Annie’s garden with you. What an amazing spot to have a picnic. Until I read about giving your crusts to the birds by the looks of the picture I wondered if all you had was dessert! LOL Sorry about your chooks. Glad you will soon have a couple more. Nancy
Lovely to get out and about and see friends and family again…. I am intrigued by your picnic… is that a sandwich made int he big circle?
What a great way to spend your first day outing!!! I enjoyed the garden very much, thank you!
Sorry about your chickens–yes, farming does give you a brutal lesson on the cycle of life!
Omg how funny…. I guess to visit annis via you…. 😂
I’ve no doubt she will have an amazing garden as she had in her tiny old garden……
So pleased for sharing… Thanks
Looks like a wonderful place to have a picnic. Just being able to get together with a friend or two is something special during these times. Here it appears we’re facing further lockdowns before long because the numbers are rising and they’re saying the second wave is imminent.
What a lovely garden, love the rustic touches and sorry about your chooks. Look forward to zooming with you saturday
What a great run down Joy. Always a pleasure to have a walk and a picnic with you in my garden
Good to hear about the easing of restrictions and that you can get out and about some more. SO sorry to hear about your chickens…..gosh I forget that there are things like foxes around to cause havoc. Annie’s garden is beautiful – it really does show how much time she spends in it.