We Are Experiencing Technical Difficulties…
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Well difficulties of some sort at least….
As I am typing this, my laptop is making very strange noises and I am hoping it will keep going till I get this post up! I think my tech DH needs to spend some time on it…
I’m so sorry, the first block of Let’s Stay Home should have come out today, but it will be tomorrow…. Today was just full of unexpected interruptions and I don’t want to put something up hastily tonight and then have to fix it again…
I will give you another sneak peek of the block…

There is something you can go check out though, Susan has announced the fabric details and posted a pic of her version of “Let’s Stay Home!” Hers is all pieced and a really lovely design, so go check that out here:
I hope I will see you back here tomorrow for my first block! Thank you for your patience!

It’s tough to have to change computers! Hope it goes well!
Whoops!!! Hope you get it up tonight as I’ve left my lightbox out to trace the first one. Hope your DH can get it sorted. Take care & hugs.
I’ll be around! Stuff happens, and a lot of it is tech stuff. LOL