Let’s Stay Home and Garden!
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Welcome to Block 2 of our Let’s Stay Home Block of the Month for 2021! The second block is called, Let’s Stay Home and Garden!

I am truly sorry that it took so long to get this second block out… I am still not 100% and won’t be for a while, but I do thank you all for your patience and well wishes.
We are now in Autumn… while the Northern Hemisphere is excited about Spring! I am happy summer is over and we are heading into colder weather…
I don’t know about you, but sometime in the middle of winter I get the urge to start my spring/summer veggie garden… I get all my seeds out and start planning what I am going to grow! (While enjoying fresh eggs from my chookies, of course!)

But by the end of summer I am well and truly over my garden!! I’ve had enough of tomatoes and zucchini and I’m happy to pull them all out and start my winter garden…
So no matter where you are in the world, you can get out into the garden and enjoy some planting! Even if it’s only in some pots…
And after you do some gardening, you can stitch up this next block 🙂
Download Page for the “Let’s Stay Home” Blocks
I made a download page for all the blocks so that they are all in one spot and easy to find. I will link to this page when each new block comes out.

Remember, this block is only up for one month, and then it will go in our shop for a small price.
Block 1 is up in our shop now… and here they both are on my design wall:

In My Garden
Now a few pics of the state of my garden….. you will see that we are well and truly at the end of the growing season, and I have also let the chooks wander where they want the past few weeks, so they have had a ball (and made a mess!)…
I’ve got a few zucchini that I will be able to pick soon, as long as we don’t have a heavy frost.. and I am still picking some tomatoes as they ripen, but you can see that the plants have really had it…

This bed has cucumbers that are pretty much dead, eggplant (I planted too late and only got 1 so far!), beans, and potatoes that I need to dig up before they rot….

So as you can see, I need to get out into the garden and do some work!
How about you? What is your garden like?
Until next time, let’s stay home and garden!

Really like this block, Thank You!
Hi Joy, I am sorry you are still tired. I have found no help for my CFS but learning how others cope with it. I love your garden blocks. I guess I missed the first one but plan to run this one off. Your raised garden beds are nice. We may get snow one day this week. Our weather is still bouncing around. Thank you for sharing your talent! Feel better soon! Nancy
I gave up the garden idea a long time ago, Joy! I’ve tried to grow some tomatoes on my porch, but they get eaten by pests, and have too many deer and other wildlife roaming our woods to plant anything! Have fun with your garden!
Mine is just beginning to ramp up! We have three growing seasons so at the end almost for the second one–new planting won’t happen for veggies until September.
Pretty new blocks!
We had a great vegie garden but had to flatten it as the landlord is building on the block but when we move in June hubby has all sorts of plans for raised beds and we’ll be almost self sufficient, vegie wise, again.
Thank you so much!! Love your blocks.
Thank you for the e-mail reminder. I’m so out of it this month with all that’s going on, I would have missed this block.