Born To Be Wild Cat Quilt
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Welcome to the last day of the Born to Be Wild Blog Hop hosted by the lovely Carol from Just Let Me Quilt! My offering today is a cat quilt!
I think this had to be the hardest blog hop that I have participated in to date! And I’ve been in a lot of blog hops…..!
Usually when I sign up, I already have a lot of ideas bouncing around in my head… but this one??? None! However, I thought I’d sign up anyway, because surely I’d think of something….
Well, I didn’t. Not until last weekend when I came up with two ideas… one involving purchase of fabric – and since I am a fabric diet I decided against that…
…. and the second idea – inspired by my beautiful, pesky, Sapphy….

Now I usually share photos of her being cute and adorable…

But she has a wild streak in her… despite being a Ragdoll cat, bred to be chill…
In this next photo she is chewing on my finger and you can’t tell, but her claw is stuck in my hand….

She may be a domesticated cat… but she was born to be wild 🙂
On to the quilt…. I didn’t actually make this one….! I bought it from a friend who was selling her quilts in our little town many years ago. I love to receive quilts or buy quilts from friends… because they become even more special…
I fell in love with this one because of the kitties…

Denise cut up parts of a panel for this quilt… and hand quilted part of it…

And then she pieced these kitty blocks around them…

I did start making some of those kitty blocks at one stage… but they are in storage. It’ll be fun when I unpack them one day!
The back of the quilt, complete with label, has this cute fabric:

And look! Sapphy is hiding in there….. can you spot her?

Thank you so much for visiting today and make sure you visit the others on this hop:
Just Let Me Quilt
Vicki’s Crafts and Quilting
Quilting Gail
Lianne Makes Stuff
Quilt Fabrication
Food for Thought
Thank you again Carol for hosting this fun hop! Check out the whole list of participants HERE…
Also, be sure to visit Carol’s post today – it’s a lot of work to organize these blog hops, so if you enjoy them, please do head over to her place and say thank you!
Thanks once more for visiting, and… is your cat also hiding somewhere in the backing fabric above?! Let me know in the comments!

That’s an amazing quilt!
Lovely quilt and kitty!
thanks for sharing today. what a wonderful quilt. i love how there are two different types of kitties. oh my, but your kitties has some going on there. looks like she is loving on you
I don’t see my black Kitty on the back, but there was one on the front!
What a fun quilt!
Great quilt. I have a kitty and he sure “thinks” he’s wild, but really he’s just a big cuddle bug. Thank you for sharing your fantastic work.
That is a really neat quilt! Love the kitties in it–and your kitty looks precious. Thanks for sharing!
What a pretty quilt! Your cat is beautiful, even though she’s somewhat wild. :o)
The quilt is gorgeous so I can see why you would want it. Ouch on the claw in the hand, but I’m sure Sapphy was just making sure you didn’t get away from her. Cats are so crazy and fun…except for the claw in the hand thing. Thank you for sharing this amazing quilt and hanging in there on this challenge. xo
That is a really cool quilt. I love how she used a panel print in it. I have a hard time visualizing using panels in my quilts, so this is especially fun to see. I love your little “Wild” one. She is just beautiful.
Love the quilt. So glad you had it to share. Our kitties can certainly be “wild things”.
I’m sure Sapphy is cute even when she’s getting into mischief! I like your quilt – the b&w cats remind me of our Cosmo.
Sweet cat (your real one) and nice cat quilt.
Such a cute quilt and your Sapphy is quite cute too!
Love the cat quilt it’s so cute. Sapphy is such a beautiful kitty. Hugs, xx
Love the quilt, it’s so cute. Sapphy is just adorable. Hugs, xx
I love the quilt, my sister had a mug with a similar designed cat on it. I want a cat but hubby says no
Beautiful cat quilt!
Darling cat and cat quilt. Your work looks so good.
Having been a cat owner I can testify that they are born to be wild. Love the kitties on it and the backing is just great. A wonderful acquisition.
Awesome quilts…love the cat quilt.
Have a great day!
I love the color combo in this quilt. The kitties are adorable along with your fuzz ball.
Love your cat quilt! Sapphy is adorable
Ouch – we have a cat that can do that too – being loving one minute and then subtly attacking the next!! I love the cat quilt – a clever way to use a panel.
Good idea that you joined in and cats are born to be wild and have humans as servants if domesticated. Sapphy is so sweet & I know well loved. The backing fabric has very similar cats to my late two who were a tabby & part Persian. Take care & hugs. Never done a bloghop as I wouldn’t know how.(hmm!)
What a sweet quilt. Isn’t it wonderful to have great memories connected to them. Just think of the fun you’ll have when you get settled in? 😉
This is such a beautiful quilt. Sapphy is absolutely gorgeous. My cat is half rag doll and half Russian blue. He’ll be chilled out most of the time but has moments of craziness.
Beautiful quilt, and I agree with you, even though I make lots of quilts myself, I cherish the ones that were made for me by someone else.
That is a beautiful quilt. I wonder if the unique cat pattern was designed after a particular cat. Your Sapphy is a beauty. We just got a new cat and he likes to chew on my fingers too, but he’s not mean, just nibbling.
What a great match of theme and cat quilt!