Let’s Stay Home and Hang Out The Washing!
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We’re interrupting Christmas in July for Block 5 of our Let’s Stay Home BOM! This month it’s about staying home and hanging out washing….

I love hanging my washing outside… I love the smell of the clean, air dried washing when I bring it in…
There’s nothing better than seeing fabric drying on the line…

Except of course quilts drying on the line…

The washing lines above are from two of our previous houses, and they are both old fashioned Australian Hills Hoists… I love those types of washing lines!
We got the keys to our house earlier this week, and I’ve been working hard cleaning and bringing some stuff over there…. I am looking forward to hanging my washing out on my old clothesline again… when we get a dry day!
In the meantime, I am still stitching up this month’s block…. Even though I haven’t quite finished, I still want to put the block up for you, so go to the download page to grab it!

Back to packing….

very nice block! It’s exciting to think of how close you are to being in your ‘Home, Sweet, Home’!
Thank you ! Good luck with the move!!
All the best with your move….. can you still go ahead with lockdown????
Take care..
omg so exciting you ahve the keys back and can start moving in……
I love hanging the washing on the line to dry……pretty much all mine is done there except for a few over night loads in front of the fire……….
Thanks for the new stitchery pattern. As we spoke yesterday, I know how busy your are going to be & the weather & Covid situation aren’t helping. Hope all goes well & I’ll be in touch later next week. Take care & hugs from us.
That’s one thing I do miss about not owning a home any longer – the ability to hang out the laundry. Now it just gets hung in our bathroom which isn’t quite as much fun!
Glad you got the keys and are moving bit by bit.