Bloggy Break
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It’s been a crazy month… Moving house during lock down was a lot harder than a normal move.. and even though we had a slight reprieve of being in hard lock down here in regional Vic, we still were not allowed to have visitors… so unpacking has been slow. And then we went into a hard lock down again on the weekend…..
We have been making some progress though. I have almost finished unpacking all the stuff we brought over from the old house! But I still have half of a 40 foot container to unpack!!
If you get my newsletter, you’ll have seen that we did put Emmie G together:

To get Emmie G in her spot, we moved everything else over to the other side of the studio:

And then since then, I’ve been taking more stuff out of the container and the studio is going from bad to worse!
You know how it is when you unpack – it’s going to get worse before it gets better!!!
I did find a lovely bag of strings though…

…which used to be vacuum packed, so it must have sprung a leak….
Tempting to play with them, but I will not be distracted!!!
I decided I will have a little bloggy break while I try to concentrate on unpacking and getting my studio set up. I might as well make the most of being in lock down and enjoy not having to go out…
I will be back next month with our next Block of Let’s Stay Home…. participate in a blog hop… and keep going with Christmas fun on the 25th…
For now, since it is the 25th of the month, I am going to leave you with another snowflake pattern for a mug rug like this one.
I’ll be hanging out in our Facebook group a little bit during my break, so you can join that if you like – I’ve just put up some new freebies in it!
See you back here next month!

I hope you are able to get everything done in your bloggy break. Moving is not a fun exercise!! Hang in there and see you next month!
You do have a full plate–concentrate on staying well and whipping that studio in shape!
I think you deserve a bit of a break – you have had lots happening! Have fun rediscovering things as you unpack 🙂
Enjoy your break – you certainly deserve it! All those surprises you’re finding as you unpack are going to feed your creative inspiration methinks.
As I already knew about the break, I do hope you’ve done a few things to get sorted & as for this hard lockdown, the worst was so little notice. Two hours was ridiculous. Maybe come high summer, we’ll be able to get together for a show and tell & catch up. Take care & hugs.
I hope you’ve been able to accomplish much during your break and look forward to seeing the next block.