Christmas Baking Traditions
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Welcome to Day 3 of the Virtual Christmas Cookie Exchange hosted by the lovely Carol from Just Let me Quilt!
There have been some delicious cookies and cute projects on the hop so far! Make sure you check out the full list HERE and visit some of the blogs that have already posted their goodies!
The blog hop is about cookies (of course) but also memories, traditions, Christmas ideas and gifts…
Last year was the first time I joined in and shared the recipe for my favorite Christmas cookies:

This year I thought I’d take a trip down memory lane to when we decorated cookies that were not quite as pretty as the ones above 🙂
I found these photos of one December when we lived in Arabia… and the kids were little…

After we baked the cookies, I would make up a bunch of different colored icing, and put it out on the table – along with all sorts of sprinkles and decorations…

I miss having little kids around and seeing how much of a mess they make 🙂
After we met Alice, we started making Christmas chocolate as well.. also lots of messy fun!

Living in Arabia, there were no Christmas goodies to buy, so making it all from scratch was the only thing to do.
One year the kids also made chocolate “Gingerbread” Houses! A whole village in fact, complete with Lego villagers 🙂

One of my all time favorites, however, is this Shortbread Star Christmas tree:

Someone did a good job with the icing I think… ! If we can’t have a white Christmas, we can at least have a white Christmas “tree” 🙂
And now for a quick Christmas project,….. These Fabric Christmas Crackers are getting a lot of traffic at the moment. They are super quick and easy to make….

Thank you Carol for hosting this fun blog hop!
Please visit the others who are blogging today:
Becky’s Adventures in Quilting and Travel
Thanks so much for visiting today!

I enjoyed taking the “trip” with you, Joy! Yes, it is so much fun to watch the littles having a great time making decorating cookies! I really love the star Christmas tree with the white icing! Wouldn’t it be fun to add green to the dough and then use the white icing?! Thanks for sharing, Joy.
So many great memories for you and for your family right there. And I’ll be the kids enjoyed eating their decorated cookies immensely.
I too miss the days of making cookies and treats with the little ones! Merry Christmas!
Thanks, Joy, for the trip down memory lane. It’s always fun, and I enjoyed this one too! Thanks for sharing!
That shortbread tree looks yummy, and reminds me that I have not yet made any Chrissy goodies yet, well done
What great memories of holiday baking and projects. I am looking forward to sharing those days with my grands in a few years!
I love the star tree, but I’d feel so bad eating them and destroying the tree!
Such sweet memories of Christmas! There is something about having little ones around that make Christmas even better (and messier!) I love your crackers and remember getting some when I was little. So cute! Thank you for sharing all the sweetness, Joy!
Those photos of your kids was so fun to see – I miss my little kids too – they grow up so fast. I have to say that I do enjoy them as adults, too! Those crackers are such a clever idea!
A whole gingerbread village, how wonderful! I love the addition of the lego figures.
MY favorite thing about cooking baking this time of year is seeing the kids have so much fun decorating. Thank you for sharing your memories with us.
That Shortbread Christmas tree is adorable! Loved seeing your trip down memory lane! Thanks so much for sharing Joy!
What a lovely post, and thank you for sharing your Christmas memories and photos. It really does seem more like Christmas when children are around doesn’t it. That shortbread Christmas tree is making my mouth water!
What a lovely list of memories and such fun photos. Thank you for sharing them and your fun Christmas Cracker link. 😉
Your Christmas cookies brought back sweet memories. My husband had a “family” cookie recipe and every year one day there would be a a family cookie day. When we joined the family my daughter and grandsons so thoroughly enjoyed it. We knew that after the kids decorated the cookies we would find sprinkles everywhere for months afterward. Love the shortbread star! That is so pretty. Thanks for sharing.
Those kinds of memories are definitely the best! Thanks for sharing the link for your Christmas Crackers tutorial. They look so fun to whip up.
It looks like you have had fun times over the years with the Christmas baking!
I love the cookies, reminds me of my childhood times. The crackers look really festive, and I will have to make some myself.
Pretty decorated cookies are wonderful, but there’s nothing quite like those decorated by children. They’re the best!