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  1. I love making lists, and I love reading other people’s lists! You are a busy bee, love the churn dash blocks.
    Thank you for sharing with us at To Do Tuesday!

  2. I like how you’ve categorized your to-do’s! Definitely how I do it in my brain, just not on my blog that much. Maybe if I’d get more of it “published”/out there, I might actually get some other things done besides sewing?? LOL

  3. I used to make lots of lists, but the last two years has been quite woeful. I need to start again and get myself more organized. I’ve a lot I’d like to get done & like you the garden is on hold as it’s too cold. Take care and hugs.

  4. Yep, definitely too cold to be in the garden, lots to do on your list, and your churn dash blocks are oh so cute!

  5. Ah – the spinning mind while trying to sleep thing, I know it all to well. Making lists would maybe be a good thing but then I’d be thinking (stressing) about all the things on the list that I just know I wouldn’t get done and the cycle would begin again. The only thing that works for me is to haul out of bed and head for the couch and play solitaire on my tablet until I get sleepy.

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