A Mystery Autumn Stitchalong!
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I have been too busy to host many stitchalongs or quiltalongs this year, and I’ve really missed that! So I decided that while I am travelling I am going to host a simple Mystery Autumn Stitchalong!
I’ve been enjoying slowing down these past two weeks, and that has included some stitching everyday…
I can’t show you much, because what I’ve been working on is a new block of the month for next year 🙂
But I can show you something…
A Sneak Peak of the Mystery Autumn Stitchalong!
While I will be sewing along with you every week, I have already started on Week 1:

The lighting isn’t great, but you get a bit of an idea…
How the Mystery Autumn Stitchalong Will Work
I’ve divided up the Autumn Stitchery, and I will be releasing a part each Friday for the next four weeks. So we will stitch the part for the week, and the next week we’ll add the next part and so on….
Each step will be free to download for a month, after which the whole pattern will go up for sale in our Etsy shop.
This is what we will be stitching this week:

Just print out the pattern, trace the design on your chosen background fabric, pick your thread colors and start stitching!
Each week we’ll be adding a bit to the design….
It’s a super simple design and won’t take long to stitch up each week, but I hope it will be a bit of fun for all of us… I know I’m enjoying it so far.
I’d love it if you could spread the news, share this blog post with your friends, etc, etc!
Ready, set…. happy stitching!!

Hello!! Vivo en Argentina y empieza la primavera, pero igual estoy encantada de hacerlo. Gracias 😘
I’m in! I’ve got it printed and am off to trace it onto some linen! Thanks!!
Wish I could. . Nancy
Thank you, I’m looking forward to this SAL.
What fun, Joy! I already love it. I’m going to try it, shaky hands or not.
This looks like fun Joy. Like Susan commented, I already love it!
Looks like this will be a fun project Joy – I’m sure lots of people will be wanting to take part.
Oh that is beautiful and exciting… must try… thank you very much.
Thank you for this gift! I have been given Dr orders to rest, and that goes against every fiber of my being. I heard about you from Texas Quilt Gal’s blogpost. This stitch along will be a wonderful distraction and give my hands something to do while I follow doctors orders!
Sounds like fun. Thank you so much.
Thanks for sharing the Autumn stitch along, I’ll be sure to return for more parts. I just finished an Autumn tree SAL.
Heard about this from Susan Nixon’s blog. Thank you for something nice and slow.