Aldi in Germany- The Real Deal!
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When I go to other countries I love going to supermarkets.. I know, I’m strange!
But I like to see what kind of things they sell there, and how different the food is to back home…
So, being in Germany, a trip to Aldi was in order 🙂 After all, that is where Aldi comes from!
Outside, it just looks like any other Aldi…

The catalogs were also very familiar, albeit in German 🙂

Inside, the shelves were full….

The middle aisle was like it is here, full of odds and ends:

Including these warm “croc style” slippers:

I was tempted to buy a pair of them as a joke for my sister who hates crocs… but decided not to waste my money 🙂
There were lots of Christmas goodies out already:

As well as Christmas and Autumn decorations:

But my favorite part of the shop was this:

Oh my, freshly baked bread! Now that we don’t have here! If I lived there, that would be the section I’d spend too much money on… yes, I love bread!! Just look at all the variety…

Well, I didn’t end up buying a thing… but I enjoyed looking!!
I think the thing that struck me most in all the supermarkets I visited – in Arabia, Germany and Holland – was that there were no empty shelves. They don’t seem to have the same supply chain issues that we have here… and I found that most interesting…
Doing my groceries last night, I noticed that our shelves still had gaps, but not as bad as they were. And of course the prices seem to have gone up again. That is a common denominator for all the countries we visited – everyone was talking about rising prices of groceries and fuel.
And on that note… I bought a big silverside on special for this week’s menu plan – divided and put half in the freezer for another week..
I have to say while it is fun to see what other countries have in their supermarkets, it’s always good to be back in one’s own where the products are familiar!
Tell me, what are prices and shelves like in the supermarkets where you live? And when you travel to other countries or states, do you like to see what their supermarkets are like?

We have an Aldi’s here, in fact two of them. I shop there lots of times-especially the produce section. But one does have to look over what you buy for sure. The prices there are better than other grocery stores, but still has had price increases in the last couple years.
Wow-that is a big store, too! Our stores here are beginning to have lots of empty shelves…not a good sign. We certainly can’t look to our President to sort things out….
How I wish there were Aldi’s here because I know I’d love shopping there. Although, truthfully, I hate shopping and since Covid hit I’ve been doing pretty much all our grocery shopping via curb side pick up. I’m more than happy to pay $3 extra to have them do the shopping for me! I can’t speak to empty shelves here because pretty much everything we order consistently has been available, although last time they didn’t have lettuce – not because of a supply issue but because there’d been an outbreak of some sort of bacteria in the growing fields.