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  1. I love the last remark about not really needing anything when we go “thrifting.: That is usually the case. But I do kind of keep a list of stuff to look for as I go, particularly books to finish out a series I’m collecting.
    The Hummels are particularly cute and, you’re right, a lot of work/play went into them. Too bad someone there didn’t properly value them.
    I’m glad you had a great visit and now get to settle back into home sweet home.

  2. I would have loved to explore the OP shops there. My sister and I took in a few in the Netherlands many years ago and were stopped from buying because it wouldn’t fit in a suitcase. There were some wonderful items to be found! I love visiting all the ones here too.

  3. What a fun place to browse and enjoy! I love to look through them to see remembered items from my grands or my parents! Those steins are beautiful! That spinning wheel was a find, too!

  4. Going to thrift stores is something I’ve really missed since Covid hit. We only have two in our town, one of which is grossly overpriced (think higher prices than things found new). The other one is nicer (AND cheaper!) but we don’t go very often. I miss our favourite ones but they’re in the city and alas Resident Chef isn’t up to driving that far any longer (nearly two hours each way and I refuse to drive in the big city).

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