Goodbye Autumn SAL, Hello Christmas!
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I finally managed to get into the studio to iron our Autumn SAL… and look at turning it into a wall hanging…
And that’s as far as I got! Here it is all stitched up:

While I was away I also worked on something else… another Autumn stitchery that kind of matches, but it says “Fall” instead:

I must say I enjoyed stitching both of them up!
Goodbye Autumn!
So last week I put out a newsletter telling everyone to download the last step and asking if anyone wanted a Christmas SAL over the next weeks…
I got lots of replies saying “YES”!! So, that is what I have been getting distracted with 🙂
I also got quite a few replies asking if I would be doing the rest of the seasons… and the answer to that from me is “YES”! They are in the works!! I already had Spring sketched out and designed, but I’ve been asked for Winter next… so I have decided that I will put that out in January… how’s that for an idea?
Finishing The Autumn SAL
I haven’t turned the Autumn block into anything yet – mostly because I have had so much trouble with jetlag and haven’t been up to sewing. Also because I started it while overseas, I didn’t actually choose fabric first like I usually do – so I need to hunt up some fabric and I have discovered I don’t actually have much Autumn fabric… hmmmmm… that is a clear gap in my stash!!
My suggestions to you for finishing are:
- Trim and pop into a square frame – quick and easy!
- Add borders, quilt and bind to turn into a mini quilt or wallhanging
- Wait until we stitch up the other seasons and put them all together into a quilt or wallhanging
Hello Christmas – SAL and QAL
Ok, the plan for Christmas is this… next week we start on a Christmas SAL similar to the Autumn one… and ALSO a quick Christmas Quilt-a-long for those who don’t do embroidery but prefer piecing…
Both projects will be quick and easy, and done by Christmas, so you can have some new goodies in your house – or a lovely gift!
I’ll put out more info on this next week… so stay tuned…
The sun is shining today and I need to get out into the garden… and I need to sew… and … and…
Have a lovely weekend!

Both of the fall projects turned out really cute! Now I’m anxious to see what you’ll be creating with a Christmas theme.
Looking forward to the Christmas stitchery!
Beautiful additon to the Autumn line of embroidery! This was a fun stitch-a-long!
Thank you so much. Love it!!!
Looking forward to the Christmas SAL