Teacup Critters Block of the Month Block 1
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Welcome to our new 2023 Block of the Month – Teacup critters! Today I’ve got Block 1 ready for you to download!

As I said last week, I’ve had a few hiccups getting the new block of the month set up for you. We’re doing things a bit differently this year… instead of just downloading it from the blog, you will need to register for it.
Why do I need to Register for the Teacup Critters BOM?
Every year I’ve run a free block of the month I haven’t asked for anyone to sign up, give me their email, etc. Instead, every month I have manually put up the block and written the blog post…. some months I have been late, and I have had complaints….. even though I have always had the block up for free for at least a month, sometimes two or three….
Nearly everyone in blogland who visits my blog is lovely 🙂 But there are some that complain and send me not so nice messages for something I am offering for free. I know I shouldn’t get upset by these messages, but I do.
So, this year to (hopefully!!) avoid getting things up late, I am going to schedule everything over in the “BOMs & Challenges” part of my website. I know things could still go wrong, but one can only hope for a smooth journey for this BOM!! If it doesn’t work, I can always go back to the old model again 🙂
How Will the Teacup Critters Block of the Month Work?
I am working on scheduling each block to go live on the fourth Wednesday of the month.
It will be free for those who have registered, until the fourth Wednesday of the next month, when access to it will be gone and the new one will go live.
All of this will be happening in my Australian time zone…. so please keep that in mind.
It will be up to you to download the block in time – I won’t be sending out reminders. I do plan on putting up the monthly blog posts, but in case life happens, each block should still go up on time in the membership area.
How Many Blocks are There?
There will be 9 blocks, plus some optional fillers… Each one is a combination of embroidery and piecing. Of course you can use the stitchery on it’s own in other projects if you don’t want to make a whole quilt 🙂
This is the layout of the quit:

The quilt will finish at 36″ square.
You can add borders if you like, but at this stage I think I will just bind it.. of course I might change my mind at the end of the year 🙂
Materials Needed
- I meter (just over a yard) of background fabric
- Scraps ~ I am choosing my Lori Holt fabric scraps; you could also use a coordinating fat quarter pack
- Embroidery thread – I use DMC
- Lightbox or window to trace pattern
- General embroidery supplies
Register for the Teacup Critters Block of the Month

I am not 100% sure if I have solved the tech issues so please do let me know if you are having trouble registering.
If you already have an account it may ask you to log in, and then you may need to go back to the register link….
Again, let me know 🙂
Hope you enjoy this new BOM and looking forward to seeing your version!

I am sorry that some people are nasty when you are so kind and generous. Thank you for all your designs that you share with us. I am still working on the winter embroidery and loving it!
Thank you for this cute embroidery quilt. I am excited about it.
Very cute start! This will be a lot of fun!
Looks like you’ve imagined another fun project. So sorry that people have been giving you grief – it takes all kinds it seems.
Thank you for sharing … you don’t need the negativity!
thank you Joy, I am planning to do this one… very cute….. Oh gosh, I can’t believe the behaviour of some people, you are both very kind to share the design….xx
Thank you for this great BOM. I am going to ask my granddaughter if she’d like to do it, too. She is learning both quilting and embroidery once a month at my house, so she might! We tackled hst the first time last Monday and she didn’t do too badly for her first time.
There will always be people more interested in tearing down than building up. Figuratively, toss them over your shoulder and move on, because you aren’t going to change them. You can pray for them, though, and maybe God will help them change. =)
You are a kind and generous woman, and more people love you than not, so keep on doing what you do best … being a kind and generous woman. =)
It did ask me to log in when I tried to register, not realizing it was the same site. I went in circles for a couple of minutes, and then it worked and I got the first pattern. Thank you!
Thank you for all you do! I am very thankful for everything you have offered here and looking forward to this BOM! The link and sign up worked perfect! Have a great weekend!
While I won’t be doing any hand stitching project, I appreciate the work you do to put the patterns up, ignore the negatives, you can’t please all the people every time
Thank you so much for sharing. Now I just need to remember to come back and save each block.
Thank you!
Such a darling block, Joy. I am looking forward to participating. You always have some of the cutest projects going on. Thank you for all that you do.
I tried logging in for block 1 but it told me I was I was already registered, so I tried entering my password it showed me but nothing worked. Help I want block 1. LOL
Thank you for sharing your adorable designs! I really like this one,
So sorry some have been so rude to you. They are sorry humans!
Just registered, thank you
This quilt looks fun. I am new here and have not found the instructions for the quilt pattern do you provide that or just the hand stitches?
Hiccup and cups. Funny. It’s cute. I think kids would like it.
Thank You Joy for this very cute SAL! I am late to the party but couldn’t resist this one! You are very kind to offer all these sew alongs and there are FREE! Please pay no attention to any negativity, you are a very generous and kind person! Thank You!
I am o looking forward to this new quilt, how ever I am unable to log in for some reason.
With winter coming (and the bulk of the much needed home improvement projects done) I am looking forward to doing this. I saved previous versions as you never know when you might need a baby quilt or a cute donation quilt for someone. I have to be doing something with my hands when watching TV, waiting in the car when hubby is at Home Depot, waiting for a dr appt, etc. These types of projects (and doing thousands of hexies) are my go-to for that purpose. Thank you SO much for your incredibly kind posts – always encouraging and always sharing your creative side. If you have a way to block the ones that are the most negative, I would. The world is full of way to much negativity, rudeness and lack of concern for others – you need to protect yourself wherever you can. The rest? Ignore them….they aren’t worth a second of your time! Best wishes to you from Northern California! Deb E