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  1. I am so sorry for your loss. I am also in the process of getting my things ready for my son to deal with. This year, I decided to take one room at a time. I will check back with you about mid-way and we will see how we’re doing. Your cat is too cute. He seems to be mesmerized by that fire.

  2. I’m sorry for your loss and pray that the pain dulls soon though from experience I know that you’ll never completely stop missing him. I, too, have been working at thinning out the stuff my kids will have to deal with, even to the point of getting rid of some books (gasp!). I hope your break from blogging is refreshing. I’m kinda doing that too.

  3. My deepest sympathies on the loss of your father-in-law. My prayers are with you and your family. Take all the time you need; we will still be here.

  4. Aren’t you glad you got to visit your FIL first!? My condolences on your lost. Yes, it is a thin thread that separates us from death–we so often forget this. I hope the funeral that goes well!

  5. So sorry for your loss. My Dad also passed at 89. Right after his birthday and mine. It’s the happy fun memories that I think of often. God be with you and your husband at this time.

  6. I am sorry for your loss. It is another world when your parents are gone. For me, it is like the North Star missing from the sky. I wish you and your husband peace as you traverse this time, enjoying the memories and grateful for the time you had. We will be here when you are back.

  7. I’m so sorry. No matter what the age might be, it’s still a big loss to your family. Take all the time you need and be with your family.

  8. My condolences and love for your loss…. it’s never easy whatever the age and circumstance…..

  9. My condolences on your loss and your husband’s. What a blessing to have taken the time to visit your FIL. Yes, I reflect on mortality a lot. Two of my older siblings passed away younger than I am now. my mother was 45 when she died. My other older sibling passed in mid-80s in 2021, and I still have a younger sister. I am now the oldest in my generation, and it gives me pause with the cancer issues. I’m not afraid, or worried about it, but I think about it.

    That is one smart cat, as most cats are. I suspect that getting any closer would be too warm for that little fur ball!

    You are wise to slow your posting and life down for the moment. I, personally, hope to leave a HUGE mess for the boys. LOL I did get a closet sorted this last weekend with Reece’s help. I have misplaced my wallet since the day I came home from Ohio, almost two weeks, and was looking for it … figured I might as well sort and donate while I was at it. The other half of the room this coming week, hopefully … and the wallet would be nice!

  10. How sad about your FIL, and my sympathies to your husband and you. I am with you on leaving less clutter, but I have a hubby who likes to keep things because “we might need them”. 😉 Take care of yourself on your time off blogging – breaks are good. Loki is adorable and so sweet. I would love to have seen him carrying that mat.

  11. Oh dear, I am so sorry! I’ve not been in touch, but can’t always get some blogs to come up lately. so I’ll give you a ring shortly. Take care and hugs.

  12. Joy I am so sorry to read of your FIL’s passing. What a comfort for you and your husband to have been able to spend as much time with him as you have since you moved back home. Take the time you need to take care of yourselves. Hugs

  13. So sorry to read about your loss, but nice you had a visit with your FIL before he slipped away. My DH & I have lost 3 of our 4 parents now, and yes, it is sobering. It’s a strange feeling to become the oldest generation. We miss them each so much. Quilted hugs.

  14. So sorry for your loss. Yes we are of that age when we think twice about what we are keeping in our home, especially after we clean out our parent’s home.

  15. Hey Joe I’m way behind but sorry to hear about your father in law…….I often wonder how much things have changed in there life time……a grand age…….

  16. So sorry to hear about your loss. It is always hard no matter what. Take care of yourselves and we will be here whenever you come back. Hugs 🫂

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