Teacup Critters Block of the Month Block 6
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Block 6 of our Teacup Critters BLock of the month is ready for you to download!

More Info about this BOM
If you want more information about this Block of the Month, please go to this blog post:
Teacup Critters Block Of The Month
Teacup Critters Block 6
This month we have a cute little fox!
This little fellow went walkabout and I had trouble finding him….

.I have been somewhat organized with this BOM, keeping my spare half square triangles on my cork board (guarded by the bunnies having a tea party):

I should have pinned him up there too…. But eventually I did find him and here is Block 6:

If you’ve already registered, then click on the link below:
Let me know if you have any trouble accessing the pattern. (Please note that I am about to head for bed, so I won’t be able to help until tomorrow… but I will get back to you as soon as I can!)
Happy Stitching!

Thanks Joy… another cute critter!
Thank you for your generosity – so cute!
Blessings, Donna
Another cutie! I’m always curious to see what you come up with to add to the collection.