Teacup Critters Block of the Month Block 8
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Block 8 of our Teacup Critters BLock of the month is ready for you to download!

Last Block!
I really can’t believe how quickly the year has gone by…… I probably say this every year, but this year I am feeling it even more!
For the last block I decided to give you a choice… because I had some extra designs and couldn’t decide…
Download the pattern to see your choices!
Teacup Critters Block 8

That really turned out darling. I wish I had the time to make it, but I will enjoy looking at the others. Thank you.
Thank you so much for a cute small project. I am still working on each of the blocks. Still deciding what fabrics to use for the framing blocks. Looking forward to the new year adventures.
It is always a flurry for the last month of the year!
Hope you can slow down and enjoy it!
Fun blocks once again!
Thank you for the different choice. This quilt turned out adorable. Some little person will appreciate this, I’m sure.