Cute Bunny Embroideries!
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Welcome to Day one of the White Rabbit Blog Hop which is all about cute bunnies! It’s hosted by the lovely Carol from Just Let Me Quilt.

Our challenge:
Make something with white fabrics, rabbits, or white rabbits.
I love that our first blog hop for the year is about bunnies.. because I think they are so cute!
Real Bunnies
When I was a teenager I got a bunny…. I called it Thumper, because it was always thumping….
This was back when we didn’t have internet and couldn’t google things…… and a few years ago when DD got her first bunny, I learned that Thumper was thumping because he was either angry with me or scared……………..!
Poor Thumper….
When DD got her first bunny, Finn, she googled everything about rabbit care, and he was one spoiled bunny.
He was also very cute:

That’s when DD started drawing bunnies…
A Cute Bunny in a Teacup
Of course you have seen this little bunny already from our block of the month last year:

The one above isn’t available for free anymore, but there is one more bunny included in our last block which is still free to download for a little bit longer… go HERE to check it out!
A Cute Bunny Teaparty!
And then there are these bunnies….

that are happily having a teaparty….
I did suggest to DD that a block of the month with these bunnies would be cute, but sadly she lost bunny inspiration and hasn’t drawn me any more since then. She called them “blob bunnies”, by the way, because they are kind of “blobby”…. !
I am going to turn the bunny teaparty into a cushion, and maybe one day if I have grandkids it can go in their playroom…. one can always hope, right?
Etsy Closing Down Sale
I spoke in my last email about some changes coming up… one of them is that I am closing my Etsy shops down and I have put a sale on both for 75% off.
Shop Pattern Sale
Shop Printables Sale
If will explain more in another post about the details, but I will be going back to the membership style like I did some years ago. For now if you want to buy some individual products, you can get them at a discount, or you can wait until it goes in the membership sometime at the end of February…
More Cute Bunnies
Make sure you go and visit the rest of the bloggers who are going to share something to do with rabbits this month! Those sharing today are:
Just Let Me Quilt
Quilt Schmilt
Sew Many Yarns
If you have time, please leave a comment on the blog posts as everyone has worked hard to make this a fun hop! And thank you so much Carol for hosting this!
Thanks for visiting!

Your bunny embroideries are just precious!
I had bunnies for years myself. They still hold a special place in my heart. Such sweet stitcheries!
The embroidered bunnies are really cute–I like the two bunnies–they will make a cute cushion! I have saved all the Teacup Critters patterns although I haven’t started them yet. One of these days I’ll use them for a handwork project. Thanks for sharing!
Your bunnies are so cute, and your stitching is so neat and nice!
We had a couple bunnies when my kids were little and they are so sweet, but sensitive. I don’t think my Charlie would tolerate a bunny hopping around here, but I’d love to have one again. Your DD is quite the artist with those cute embroidery designs, too bad she’s move on. Your stitches are perfect! Thank you for sharing, Joy! xo
Love, love, love the bunny in the bed. Great job on the embroidery.
The blob bunnies are cute. They will look great as a cushion.
Love the bunnies. We had bunnies as children. Fond memories!!!
Such sweet bunnies. We called my youngest daughter Bunny and still do. You stitching is wonderful. Thanks for sharing!
Adorable bunnies, even the blob bunnies. Thanks so much for sharing!
Your bunnies are precious! I love them! Quilting and embroidery go so well together! Thanks for sharing your project, I love it!
The bunny embroideries are darling!! It’s to bad that you’re daughter isn’t willing to do a BOM with you. That would be precious! Maybe one day she’ll change her mind!
Very cute Miss E…… them. Take care & hugs.
So cute! I ♥️ those bunnies.
Many people have bunnies for pets and they L O V E them. Glad that bunnies are a real thing for you and your daughter and that they have gone on to bring special thoughts and stitcheries to others.
Love the bunny embroidery, very cute.
Really cute bunnies, Your embroidery looks so neat and good.
Very cute bunnies! I have a similar embroidery I’ve done with the help of my daughter’s drawing skills. Great minds think alike. 🙂
Our boys insisted they had to have a bunny when they were kids and got one out of their own money, only to discover the one they got wasn’t the least bit social and they ended up giving it away. One of them desperately wanted a hamster too – until they got it and discovered that it was nocturnal and kept them awake nights. No amount of parental input was listened to, until AFTER the fact of course. We won’t get into the turtle debacle.
Much prefer stitched bunnies!
I raised rabbits for pets for myself and for sale and loved everything about them! This tea party with bunnies is very sweet!
As always your designs are so sweet and so appropriate to our Hop topics. Great designs.
Oh my goodness, those are adorable!
I have been saving the bunnies just incase I need to make them some day. Good luck with the store closing and the transition back to your former ways of doing things.
We raised bunnies when I was a kid – sorry, they were for meat. BUT we had two special ones that were pets. Cute stitcheries and thank you for sharing.
Your bunny projects are so cute. DD’s bunny is so sweet. He looks almost like a stuffed bunny.