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  1. Oh those precious puppies! I also believe Someone was looking out for them, and both of you answered the “call”. I am, of course, sorry for the humans who lose houses and possessions, but I have a very deep ache for the critters in fire areas. So glad you and your friend stepped up!

  2. Praying for all! Hoping the fires are contained and put out soon.
    Unable to see the pictures in the email.
    Really enjoy receiving the emails!

  3. Bravo! The reason residents can’t return home during the fire outbreak is they may not know what is safe and what isn’t. I’m surprised there was a neighbor that didn’t evacuate that could call in the spot fire near the dogs’ paddock. I am so glad you have connections to help rescue these critters. The moral of this rescue is never leave anything behind, especially our pets, if you have to evacuate.

  4. So sorry there are fires in your area causing stress and damaging homes. Sad about the loss of 10 homes. I truly hope no more homes are taken, as well as no loss of lives. Good news you were able to save all the adorable fur-babies and get them to a safe place to stay, until fires are under control.

  5. Beautiful dogs. So glad you could get to them on time. I know how scary fires can be when they get close, living here in California. Pray it can get under control before losing more homes.

  6. You did your good deed – good enough to last you for several years I think! Those pups are so fortunate.
    Thoughts are with you – and those brave firefighters.

  7. That is so heartbreaking but had a good ending for the dogs and you and your friend. Are there certain areas that tend to get hit the most or is it random each time? I’m not familiar with the type of fires you have over there.

  8. Oh, my! Such adventures! I’m glad you were able to safely rescue the dogs. They’re so cute (and I’m not even a dog lover per se’).

  9. Well done getting to the dogs and getting them safely away. What a scary time for everyone involved… I imagine you’d be on tender hooks the whole time.

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