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  1. I really enjoyed seeing your older posts. My goodness, I think you have us beat for moving, and I thought we had moved a lot (19 residences in 54 years of marriage). Love the quilts and the little kitties!

  2. No wonder I am tired out these days–it was trying to keep with you and where you where each year!!! Hope things run smoothly for you and you are able to do your ‘love’ of quilting and making jams and jellies–
    hugs from the US–diane

  3. Wow, Joy!! You moved like my hubs did when he was a kid. His dad retired from the military and went into the ministry. He attended 10 different schools growing up as the conference moved the pastors every year or two back then! I can’t even imagine! LOL Thanks for the lovely flash back! And, thanks for linking up with Monday Musings!

  4. 29 moves? Oh. My.
    It was fun looking back along with you. I’ve been doing much the same thing in the background on my blog because I’ve been going through all my posts prior to 2022 and removing a lot of links that are no longer viable. The side benefit has been looking back and seeing what I was working on (or ranting about!).

  5. Golly, I remember some of those posts/events! You sure have moved around a lot. You seem settled where you are now though….

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