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  1. Thank you so much for the update. glad to hear you are healing, even though it seems to take so long. Let it! That way you’ll be able to use your -um – rotary cutter (I won’t tell) and other things!

  2. Joy you have been a champ! Well done, and I know it seems a long time, but it looks like you are on the road to normalcy. Hope your pain goes away quickly. Thanks for the update!

  3. Oh my! I’ve never had a cast, but I have heard of others who complained about the itching. Now I know why. You have had quite a time of it. Just keep doing what they tell you and you will be back in no time at all. Thanks for sharing.

  4. The last cast (and only one) I had was at age 15 or 16….the dry skin and intense itching made it worse. That was a pain, but doable. With a left leg in a full cast, then a walking cast it wasn’t easy getting around. I can’t even imagine having one now (I’m 68). The break you had requires serious healing time, especially since we use our hands and arms so much and we don’t heal as well when we are older. Good for you to be doing the exercises and taking it easy! Tea & a good book, or a good movie to watch are limiting, but time will pass quickly. Taking walks is good for morale, too, especially to get out of the house and enjoy the outside. Here it’s still 100+ most days (it’s been a record number of those days this summer and we hate it!), so our walking is on a treadmill at the gym. At least we have the other machines to work on, too. Thankful for health coverage that includes full membership in a gym….

  5. Hi Joy–so glad to hear you are healing nicely–miss you –bet you will be happy to be back at quilty things soon–what is going on with our friend Alice–I’ve sent emails and cards–but haven’t heard back in a very long time–????
    hugs, to you-diane

  6. So glad that the cast has been removed and now you can get on with the next step in the healing process. Just don’t overdo it and give yourself a setback. Take care of you!

  7. I am so glad to hear from you!!! Yes, it is slow going after a break–don’t skimp on the hand exercises; they will help a LOT! I still do mine! The ‘cheating’ is very tempting but try hard to go easy so you don’t hurt something you shouldn’t!

  8. Hope this comment comes up & I;m not Anonymous. Been going to ring, but chaotic here at the moment too, mainly due to wind, power outages, having to cope with little brother etc. I’m hoping the arm/hand improves more & you can get back to normal. Take care & hugs. Susan.

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