Four Weeks In Queensland Part 1
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The day after I got my full cast on, DD, Sapphy, and I hopped on a plane to Queensland….

Now, if you are from Victoria (or any of the southern states in Australia) and don’t like the cold, you might be jealous of my little trip up north! But we didn’t go up there for the warm weather – in fact, if you know me well, I was a bit peeved about having to miss out on four weeks of my favorite season of the year! But it was well worth it in the end….
So, if not for the weather, then why did we head up north?
Well, DD has moved there to be with her partner who recently got stationed there in the army…. so it was a sad goodbye to all of us down here, but an exciting new start for her!
When we arrived at the apartment it was pretty empty except for boxes, and a few other things… Sapphy started exploring right away:

DD’s partner had already got a few things for us, air mattress:


and chair:

We found out the apartment was on the second floor – with no lift!

I was very careful with only one usable hand to go up and down… (and only one hand rail, seriously!!) DD however did fall down the third week we were there…..!!! She was ok, thankfully, and hopefully will get used to it and not fall again…
DD’s partner was away on exercises for three weeks when we arrived, so we were pretty much on our own to get things set up.
First thing after dropping off Sapphy at the apartment was taking an Uber to go buy a fridge… that got delivered the next day:

and so did a sofa bed for me to sleep on:

The first night I slept on the swag, which was actually more comfortable than I expected! But it was nice to have the sofa bed for during the day as well.
Boxes were turned into temporary coffee tables!
Oh, another notable thing was watching a cockroach merrily walk under the front door into the apartment… it and about 4 others didn’t last long… I am NOT a fan of cockroaches!!!!
The first week we were there we did a trip to Kmart to get the basics – plates, cutlery, a few mugs…. and we got groceries delivered:

You can see we also bought a thing to go under the door in an attempt to keep the cold air in and cockroaches out……
Since we didn’t have a car, and uber trips were adding up… we basically camped out until the next weekend when my sister and her husband drove four hours down from Cairns to help us out!
But more on that in the next post!

Bon emménagement!
I’m looking forward to the next installment of your adventure! You have a traveling kitty! Will Sapphy stay with DD?
Sounds like a real adventure for you both and not so much fun when you were hampered by a cast. Setting up a new household can be fun but a lot of work too.
A lot to be done and I wish her well…
Sounds like you were in for a busy few weeks – fun for her to be setting up her new home.