Monday This and That ~ 4th November 2024
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Just a bit of this and that!
I can’t believe it is already November!!! And only…… drum roll…. 51 days…. well, having written that down it is not as bad as I expected…
But of course, my sweet sister had already got her Christmas tree up!!!!!!
I think it will be a few more weeks till I get mine up!
Last week’s This and That
Last week I kept sorting the studio. I was going to call it quits, and took a bunch of photos of it “finished” like this one:

Look at that table!
All nice and clear – Nina is set up, and my Accuquilt Studio cutter is out ready to be used!
I then decided that I deserved to do some sewing…..
Before I broke my wrist I had started on a quilt for DH and had the backing and batting loaded on Emmie G already… so I ironed the top and loaded it…

Because I wanted to finish it in a hurry I just did a large meander – quick and easy..

And in no time it was done…. DH walked in half way through and I told him it was his quilt and he was like – oh great! I need a new one!! So happy that he likes the quilts I make him!
After that I thought… now what can I sew……
But then I had a stern talk to myself…. and said, “Joy, while you are at it, and before you post ‘”finished photos”, sort out the rest of the shelves and the drawers that no one can see………”
I do like to be transparent here on my blog. I am not the type of blogger who moves things around just to make a pretty photo. What you see is my real life… and I still had messy disorganized drawers and shelves…
So after that stern chat, I opened drawers and started pulling everything out and sorting… and soon my poor tidy table looked like this:

Part way through I found my collection of thimbles in about three different places in the studio – I put them all together in one container:

Some brought back sweet memories, like the one I bought in New York when I visited Alice, and the one I bought in Holland:

I also found a quilt that I had somehow in the past been on my Gammil, but for some reason I had taken it off and put it in a tub… so while I was at it I loaded it onto Emmie G:

I’m using a pantograph for this one, and only have a few more passes to go…
I had issues with both of the quilts which I shall tell you all about in another post!
So while I was hoping to give you some photos of the finished and organized studio today, that hasn’t quite happened… haha! But I did get some quilting done!!!
As usual not everything was finished on my to do list, ahem… I got distracted by quilts!! That hasn’t happened for a while!!
Here is what I did/did not get done last week:

This Week’s This and That
A few of you mentioned that you like the way I organized my weekly list so I thought I’d make a few printables for you to download and use if you like.
I’ve made a few different versions, one exactly the same headings as mine, and a few where you can put your own headings in.
Download the Minimalist Weekly Checklist Here
And then I couldn’t help myself but pretty it up a bit with an Autumn flair…
Download Autumn Weekly Checklist Here
My list is on my iPad in my digital planner.
I tend to alternate between paper planners and digital planners.. at the moment I am in a digital mood, so I am just giving you a screenshot of my weekly page in my digital planner..
Here are my plans for this week:

Have you got a bit of This and That to share? Do you have a recipe to share? Some sewing you’ve been doing? An update on your garden? Just a bit of show and tell? Then join in!
You don’t need to have your post formatted the same way as I do, but you can if you want… otherwise just link to any blog post on any topic and share it with us!

Check out the Fat Quarter Shop Flash Sale!

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Thank you so much for sharing your checklist. I saved and printed them both! I did notice that on the one where you checked off what you got done that you didn’t have any check marks by the 10 minute ones. Does that mean that you didn’t do them or that you always do them? Just curious. LOL I like your room organizing. You have help encourage me to take a different look at my sewing organization and I came up with some different things that I am happy with. One more thing, looking at the top of that tall shelf in the foreground, it looks like what’s on top might be close to falling off. It might just be a visual misconception on my part. I wouldn’t want it to fall on your head. Love both of the quilts. You have accomplished a lot.
I had to laugh at your photo after emptying your drawers, mine looks like that sometimes too. Now that you have everything cleaned out, you’ll be able to be more productive. Nice collection of thimbles!
Oh Joy your before and after emptying the studio drawers are so familiar to me. Your new quilt projects look like fun. Good to see progresss on your To Do List! Thank you for linking with ToDo Tuesday and hosting us on Monday This and That.
I would hate to take any pictures of my sewing room right now because I’m definitely suffering from piles! I am currently working at the file cabinet and am aghast at just how much paper I am managing to recycle. Most of it is being scanned and then going right into my family tree on Ancestry. Once that’s done I can happily get rid of the originals. Time consuming and messy job though!
Well, it was clean once, it will be again! lol A creative space is better than a spotless one, though!