The Fourth Sunday of Advent ~ Love
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Today we are in the final week of Advent. It is a short one because Christmas day is on Wednesday….
Today we are virtually lighting the candle of Love:
This Advent series is in memory of my dear blog friend Susan who gave us Advent inspiration each year. You can read her old Advent blog posts here.
What is Love?
Well, I don’t think I need to define “love” – we all know what it is… and it is what Christmas is all about… God’s love for us by sending us His Son at Christmas time, and our love for each other at this time of the year – family and friends.
This is a golden oldie about love at Christmas:
Advent Journal and Reading
This week’s advent readings are not as many as the last week’s because it’s Christmas day on Wednesday…. remember you can click the picture below to download the journal:
Advent Practical Preparations
There are only two more days till Christmas…. and I am just about ready, how about you? I just have to pick up some groceries tomorrow and some special bakery items that I ordered on Tuesday… and then it will be Christmas!
So practically, it’s time to check all the lists we made the past three weeks and tick off as much as we can.
If you haven’t managed to get everything done, don’t stress! Remember our Christmas celebrations don’t need to be perfect!!!!
If you are getting stressed, I hereby give you permission to cross things off your lists!!!! More is not always better… our family and friends want to spend time with us, they are not going to be judging if we got everything done.
Let’s fill this week with love!
Merry Christmas Joy!
Yes, we do seem to put too much expectation on ourselves to have the ‘perfect Christmas’ when really the whole point (beyond the real reason for the season of course) is just to be together.
Merry Christmas to you and yours!
I don’t recommend being sick but it sure does slow down your social calendar! lol