Free 2025 Planner!
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I know I said I was taking a little blog break, but I had to interrupt with this quick post with a freebie for you!

I’ve been relaxing the past few days and decided to work on my 2025 planner…. and thought I’d make it available to you as well!
I haven’t printed it out yet for myself, other than to test the pages to see if they looked ok and they do…. I will be printing them out and setting up my planner in the next few weeks but I wanted to put the files up for you in case you were in planning mode like I am!
In the Freebies
In the Freebies corner, there are 2025 daily, weekly, and monthly pages – all in separate pdf files so you can use what you want or mix and match. They are all DATED!

For the Members
For my lovely members, I have also made dated daily, weekly, and monthly meal planning pages:

I’ve included a nice set of charts:

And a few more…

Don’t worry, I am also working on some quilting ones and the new block of the month for next year!
I have started setting up Baby B in the kitchen:

The poor tree got moved there from the lounge room.. it’s looking a little wonky! It will get packed away soon but in the meantime, I like looking at it lit up…
Ok now for the downloads:
* Downloading the freebie requires signing up to a “class”. This is not a class, it is just an area on the web that I pay for to host all the freebies as a matter of convenience. It is free for you to sign up and download whatever you want. *
Ok, I am going to go work on the Vintage Christmas Blocks!!
Happy Planning!

What a lovely view you have, Joy! What beautiful pages you have created. I’m not in the planning mood, but if anything changes I’ll know where to look.
If I had need of a planner I’d definitely love yours! I sold Avon years ago and got into the habit of a certain kind of page-a-day calendar and have stuck with that ever since. I like that it has lots of space for notes because I’m always jotting things down that I might want to refer to later.
Baby B is in a fantastic spot from which to sew, Joy! Your planner is lovely. Thanks for sharing with everyone! Happy New Year!
I can actually get on to your blog on the new PC now and the pages would be just what is needed to get my mojo back. Thanks and we’ll be in touch soon. Been inundated by blueberries with many more to harvest. Think we’ve picked about 15kg so far. Happy New Year, take care & hugs.