

Last week we had some friends over for dinner who were leaving the Kingdom to go back to the US for good. “Hello” and “Goodbye” are so much a part of life here and it is always sad to have to say goodbye to people you are just getting to know….. I was glad we…

Color my world…

Color my world…

….. with just over a hundred colors….. Faith’s quilt (from my beginner’s class) pinned and ready to quilt: (Pattern for this quilt is from Block Central, it’s a mystery quilt) A Jelly Roll… turned into this, the Jelly Roll Race way: And a Honey Bun done in the same way: Oh, you can colour my…

Lovely Quilts

Lovely Quilts

I’ve been pretty quiet, haven’t I?! I am sorry about that, but it truly has been a busy month, and then last week we all had the flu – again – honestly, twice in 6 weeks is a bit much, don’t you think? Thankfully we’re getting better again and this week I am able to…