
Best laid plans….

More appointments with specialists and dentists last week, and not much time for sewing. And I had such grand plans! I should have known not to even hope for any time in the sewing room with outside stuff on four days of the week…. I took Elizabeth to her sewing class on Thursday night and…

Sunday news….

At the moment my weeks seem to be just going by in a big blur. We’ve had a lot of things on with school, and doctors appointments in between. I am starting to yearn for a bit of hibernation time… or at least time at home! I think I will have to make next term…

Saturday Night

It’s Saturday night and I am home sitting by the heater, rugged up with a couple of quilts, trying to get warm. Had a lovely day at the homeschool conference – all went smoothly, thank goodness, and there was lots of encouragement to be had. I bought the speaker’s book, so I am looking forward…